I know that a number of people coming to me are experiencing a great deal of personal pain in various areas of their lives.Just about every day I help them move forward and demolish their obstacles through consultations and ritual work, so I get an inside look into their pain.

Some are struggling to repair fragile relationships. Some are trying to hold their finances together while pursuing their passions and trying to fulfill their Destiny.

There are some who are battling terrible illness and debilitating circumstances. Others are doing what they can each day to reach for the big dream, whatever that may be to them.

The fact is that in the process of life, pain is virtually guaranteed at some point. We can avoid that.What we can do, though, is learn to utilize our pain, so that we can turn it into power.

This is the internal alchemy.Poison can indeed be turned into medicine within the body… but the caveat is that in order to begin the alchemical process, the poison must be ingested. In the same manner, in order to discover our greatest power, we have to experience the greatest pain.


To put it another way: pain is a motivator. If we don’t experience pain, we have no impetus to grow, to develop, to evolve beyond the person who is in pain, to rise up as the person who is the embodiment of power.

How do we do this? How can we take these terrible experiences of deep personal pain and turn them into power?

The first thing that you have to do is STOP TRYING TO STOP THE PAIN!

It is our learned instinct, from the most ancient reptilian part of our brain to either fight a situation, or to flee from it. One of the major factors in whether we choose to fight or to flee is how immediate the threat is.

If, in our seemingly instantaneous assessment of the situation, it seems that running from the situation is easier and more effective, that is what we will do.

However, if the threat seems so immediate and so intense that fleeing does not appear to even be an option, then we will fight, and we will fight HARD!

I want you to think about whatever situation you might be experiencing right now that is causing you any sort of pain.

Notice that the first thing that happens when you feel the negative emotions is that your body tightens up, usually beginning in your stomach, and often spreads to your furthest extremities.

Next, we will often try to push the thoughts and emotions about the negative situation out of our heads and our hearts. We don’t want to feel it, so we put it in a box and shove it as deep down as we can.

Now, do the opposite. Focus on the situation. Feel the despair. Feel the frustration. Feel it as if it’s a living force inside of you. And then intensify it. Churn the emotion up until you can hear it banging like pots and pans inside of you. Feel it ratcheting higher and higher until you feel like your body is about to be torn apart. Keep wrapping the pain up higher and higher inside of yourself until you can’t stand it any more… and then give it a couple more turns higher and louder.

Here is where something interesting happens: the pain becomes ecstasy. Misery will turn to elation which can be used.

Once you’ve made the pain immediate and unbearable, the spirit within you will instantly be called into activity, the part of yourself that is all powerful awakening from its slumber.

This is a degree of force that is hard to match through any other method.

What you’ve essentially done is taken an energy that was formerly negating your progress, and you’ve turned it into a powerful ally. With the help of energies and syncing yourself with the energies around, you can turn any situation in your favour. And there are ways to do so. To know more …

How A Bloodline Curse Works… Why An Innocent Human Can Inherit A Curse Across Past Lives & Down An Entire DNA Chain Of Ancestors

When a psychic attack or possession attack, or some kind of disturbing phenomena occurs and continues, there is often no discernible cause. You investigate a situation for example, somebody in the house went on a haunted tour of an old mental asylum or a prison, somewhere where they could have picked up a negative entity. If there have been serious arguments and upsets in a family or with friends or in business, those sort of things can cause attacks.

But often you go into a situation where you have a very normal home; clean-living people, nice people. And there’s nothing that you can come to grips with that would, from my experience of dealing with this a lot over decades, could tell me that this probably caused it. Sometimes you have nothing to work with.

In cases like that,there are a number of things which can be attributed to the attack happening. It can be the DNA in your own body, in a family, can be the cause. Through your DNA and the flesh of your body, you have a direct connection with your mother and your father and, through them, a direct connection to your grandfather and a grandmother on both sides, all the way out, back for millions of years.

Past Life Connections To Ancestors And
Appearance Of Their Faces In Your Aura

Ancestor attachments are generally benign and it’s almost like most of the ancestors inside of you are asleep. They just exist there. It’s like a little thought form, snapshot of each of your ancestors existing in your energy field. These things you do epigenetically affect us. Things from the past, from our ancestors, to affect us today. They can affect us physically. They can affect us mentally; psychologically, as well. And traits, as well. We’re traits of our ancestors, but more so than just physical traits, traits passed on by the physical body. Also, psychological traits, as well. Also keeping mind maybe the age and activity of your ancestors, as well, in the sense of how developed each of your ancestors were on the scale of things.

So some ancestors in this way are stronger and can have more of an influence upon us than most of our ancestors. Could be normal, working people that are just sitting there in silence, they wouldn’t really understand. They don’t really exist. It’s almost like a moving snapshot, as I said, like a semi-living thought form.

This could have an evolutionary purpose to help us evolve over time, but there are downsides to this, as well, in the sense that if you are cursed or something terrible happens to you in the past maybe hundreds or thousands of years ago, and a human being or an entity curses you, this can cause problems in the now even though it happened thousands of years ago.